Are you tired of being tired…
Natural Health - Calgary
We are excited to share our learning experiences with our clients and guide them along their way to finding their freedom from doctors and hospitals, drugs and medicines, that often make them feel worse and hinder their ability to heal. Everyone is different, therefore everyone has a very unique path that they will embark on to find themselves. We are just one opportunity for true healing amongst so many. Our teachings are simple, our techniques are unique and completely natural, God inspired and proven.
Take massive personal action and team up with a us to build your Vibrant Day Lifestyle.
‘Gentle baby steps’ is the motto for living the Vibrant Day. Repetition of the Vibrant Day will ensure that it becomes a habit and lifestyle. Everyone needs a coach. Breathe, relax and know that we will continue to support you as you uncover and discover your unlimited potential for self-healing and how to be the creator of your life. When you awaken to the fact that your words hold power, you will fully understand that you are the answer to an unhealthy world. Self-healing is the only way – it is Nature’s way. It is Law.
Non Surgical
Non Surgical
Cardio Bed
Cardio Bed
Vibrant Day -Consultation
Vibrant Life Consultation
Energy Medicine
The World Health Organization outlines self-care as: “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health worker.”
Self Care Wellness - Calgary
As primary health care across the nation struggles to keep up with demand, the approach for your treatment becomes inevitably less personalized. Towns and cities all over Alberta have a shortage of doctors and medical professionals. The need for self care is becoming more evident. As with most things in life, knowledge becomes power to them who hold it. From simply understanding how your body works, to being informed on nutrition and hygiene, self care empowers men and women to play a crucial active roll in their own well being. Marpe Wellness is here to help guide you into personal health and wellbeing.
Why Marpe?
Initially, we named our business Airdrie Health and Healing. It was a decision made quickly, as we were going live on various social media platforms to promote our new business. While that name identified where we were located and what we did, it never really felt like the right name. It took several weeks of soul searching and prayer, and then one day it came to us. Our business was to be called Marpe Wellness.
We found that Marpe truly reflected what our mission is; there was no other name that resonated more. We used our renewed faith in God and His divine guidance in directing our passion and purpose, to name our business Marpe Wellness. Derived from the Hebrew language and used several times throughout the Old Testament,
Marpe means “a healing, cure, health”.
While our healing modalities may not be for everyone, we believe that God will connect us with those individuals who seek healing His way, using Farmacy over Pharmacy.